2010年5月17日 星期一

魚翅FAQ - FAQ about Shark Fin

1. 為什麼不應吃魚翅?


由於鯊魚屬於海洋食物網的最上層,且壽命較其他魚類長,因為其一生捕食大量其他魚類,並將重金屬如汞(水銀,mercury) 積蓄在體內。汞能傷害人體中樞神經和令男士精子數量減少。

1. Why shouldn’t we eat shark fin?

Destruction of marine ecosystem: Because of the high demand of sharks’ fin all over the world, particularly the demand for Chinese cuisine, huge amount of sharks of various species have been killed. As a result, many shark species are endangered. Also, sharks are among the top of the food web. Once their amount decreases significantly, the amount of smaller fish in the middle of the food web will be out of control and there would be excessive predation for the organisms at the bottom of the food web, for example, scallops. The relationship between massive killing of sharks and the decreasing amount of scallops is supported by researches. Therefore, killing sharks for luxurious consumption in fact does harm on fishery industries in general.

Another reason is that as sharks are on the highest level of the food web, having a long life and hence consuming a huge amount of fish, they absorb high dose of heavy metals from the fishes and accumulate in their bodies. One of the heavy metal, for example, mercury, causes damage to our central nervous system and decreases the number of sperms when consumed.

2. 每年消耗了多少鯊魚被捕獲?


2. How many sharks are consumed every year?

About 100,000,000 sharks are caught every year. About 73,000,000 are caught for supplying shark fin. Last year, Hong Kong alone consumed 9,396 tons of shark fin.

3. 我們的訴求


3. Our Urge

We urge all Hong Kong people to stop importing, selling, storing and consuming shark fin, before assuring that the number of all shark species are stable, and the hunting process are sustainable and moral.

4. 停止食用魚翅不會影響有關行業的生計嗎?




4. Wouldn’t it adversely affect the fishery industries if we stop eating shark fin?

In fact, over catching has already adversely affected the industries because of the reduction of other species, for example, scallops. The profits made from the sale of sharks are in fact generated by causing harm on others. Therefore, reducing eating sharks’ fin actually helps the fishery industries.

On the other hand, conserving sharks help boost the tourism industries as well. Countries including Australia, Maldives and the Philippines are benefited by whales or sharks watching tours.


5. 香港社會對魚翅的態度


市民:2010年3月有網民在 facebook 發起魚翅婚宴 人情七折」群組,響應人數超過1萬8千。



5. What are the attitudes of Hong Kong people towards sharks’ fin?

Although sharks’ fin soup is a traditional Chinese cuisine, more and more people and organizations have recently become aware of the importance of conserving sharks.

Citizens: In March 2010, netizens advocated a group named “Wedding Party with Shark Fin- Monetary Gifts 30% Off” in Facebook. The number of member joining has exceeded 10,000.

Organizations: 55 organizations have promised not to buy and sell sharks’ fin in the events of their companies. The University of Hong Kong has also restricted its catering services partners not to provide shark fin in the University. Parties organized by the University are not allowed to have shark fin as dishes. Restaurants in Disney Land exclude shark fin as an available dish for parties.

The Government: Its latest view towards dining sharks’ fin was raised in 2005. The Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, Miss Sarah Liao (as she then was) replied a question from members of the Legislation Council, claiming that sharks which were not protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora could be legally dined. She claimed that because those sharks were not protected by the international convention, local legislation would not regulate the consumption of shark fin for citizens or governmental events and there would not be any plan for promoting the conservation of those sharks. We sincerely urge the government to review and set up their relevant guidelines. http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200512/14/P200512140157_print.htm

6. 學校在減少食用魚翅上還可以做什麼?


6. Apart from stopping shark fin, what would schools do?

Schools could include related teaching in lessons, for example, having news clips about the conservation of sharks and marine ecology in foreign countries in English for reading comprehension, having discussion about the effect of over catching of marine organisms on the balanced relationship in ecology during liberal studies classes.

7. 魚翅外有什麼替代品


7. Are there any substitutes for shark fin?

It is not preferable to pick wild animals as substitutes. If animals are caught or feed for food for human, the way of keeping or catching them should be sustainable. It is not desirable to have another animals suffer when conserving the sharks. Best substitutes include vegetarian shark’s fin soup and shark fin pumpkins.


世界自然基金會香港分會WWF,承諾停食魚翅的機構名單 http://apps.wwf.org.hk/seafood/chi/sharkfin/company.php




《要讓大海把血流乾嗎?-- 全球鯊魚的過度捕撈和種群衰落》 http://shark.wildaidchina.org/images/stories/documents_chinese/shark%20report%20Mandarin090825.pdf


Ransom A. Myers, et al., Cascading Effects of the Loss of Apex Predatory Sharks from a Coastal Ocean; Science 315, p1846-50, March 2007


Sharks Denied CITES Protections


World Wild Fund – Hong Kong, the list of organizations promising stop to eat sharks’ fin:


WildAid: “Eating shark fin is not healthy and possibly poisonous”:



“Must the ocean bleeding to death?- over catching of sharks”


Description of mercury by World Health Organization:


Ransom A. Myers, et al., Cascading Effects of the Loss of Apex Predatory Sharks from a Coastal Ocean; Science 315, p 1846-50, March 2007.

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